Spring 4 Email using Velocity,Freemarker Template library

Spring provides template libraries which can be used to prepare email templates. Although we can inject the html directly into our email-message, as we saw in previous tutorial, it’s better to keep business logic apart from presentation. Email templates are also the preferred way in Enterprise applications mail sending. Templates can be created separately from…

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Spring 4 Email With Attachment Tutorial

Spring provides org.springframework.mail.javamail.MimeMessageHelper class which act as a Helper class for populating a javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage. It offers support for HTML text content, inline elements such as images, and typical mail attachments. In other words, it helps preparing a Multi-part MimeMessage’s. Let’s get going. Other interesting posts you may like Spring Boot+AngularJS+Spring Data+Hibernate+MySQL CRUD App Spring Boot…

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Spring 4 Email Integration Tutorial

Spring provides first-class support for sending Emails. Spring comes with utility libraries which abstracts away the complexities of the underlying mailing system, provides super-simple API to use in your application to send emails. Let’s get going. Other interesting posts you may like Spring Boot+AngularJS+Spring Data+Hibernate+MySQL CRUD App Spring Boot WAR deployment example Spring Boot REST…

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Spring 4 MVC + JMS + ActiveMQ annotation based Example

Spring provides first-class support for JMS, enabling applications integration using standard based messaging. In this post, we will build Spring 4 MVC application communicating with another Spring-based application, using JMS through Apache ActiveMQ. For a general introduction on JMS itself, please refer to post Spring 4 + JMS+ActiveMQ Annoataion based Example. We will try to…

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Spring 4+JMS+ActiveMQ example with @JmsListener & @EnableJms

In the previous post over Spring with JMS, we have seen how applications can communicate among each other using JMS, leveraging Spring’s support for JMS. This post goes a step further, and shows an alternative to javax.jms.MessageListener which allows us to create MessageListeners using plain POJO’s, thanks to Spring’s very own @JmsListener, used in combination…

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Spring 4+JMS+ActiveMQ Example with Annotations

Java Messaging Service (JMS) is all about applications communicating using standard based messaging. With JMS, applications communicates with each other by sending and receiving messages. Spring provides first-class support for application integration using JMS. In this tutorial series, we will explore various ways Spring helps us simplify the JMS integration by abstracting all the complexities…

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Spring 4 MVC+Apache Tiles 3 Example

In this post we will integrate Apache Tiles 3 with Spring MVC 4, using annotation-based configuration. Apache Tiles is a template based, composite view framework: it allows to reuse page pieces across the application, keeping consistent look and feel. Page layouts in general contains several page-fragments like header,footer, menu & content. In a consistent layout,…

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Spring MVC 4 + Spring Security 4 + Hibernate Example

In this post, we will build a full-blown Spring MVC application secured using Spring Security, integrating with MySQL database using Hibernate, handling Many-to-Many relationship on view, storing passwords in encrypted format using BCrypt, and providing RememberMe functionality using custom PersistentTokenRepository implementation with Hibernate HibernateTokenRepositoryImpl, retrieving the records from database and updating or deleting them within…

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Spring 4 MVC+AngularJS CRUD Application using ngResource

This post demonstrates a complete CRUD application using AngularJS ngResource module with $resource service to communicate with REST API on server. AngularJS ngResource module provides built-in support for interacting with RESTful services, via $resource service. $resource is a higher-level abstraction on low-level $http service used for server communication. If you have a RESTful API on…

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Angularjs Server Communication using ngResource-CRUD Application

AngularJS ngResource module provides first class built-in support for interacting with RESTful services asynchronously, via $resource service. $resource is a higher-level abstraction on low-level $http service used for asynchronous server communication. It is worth to note down that everything that can be done by $resource can be done by directly using $http. $http is designed…

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