In this post we will learn how to disable or ignore a test using @Test(enabled=false). Occasionally, we want to disable some tests because of some reasons(like a particular api being tested in those tests is changing but we don’t want to stop the complete CI build which apart from this API should be working fine)….
Continue readingMonth: July 2015
Maven Surefire plugin & TestNG
In this post we will learn how to execute TestNG tests with Maven using maven-surefire-plugin. This post also goes over explaining TestNG XML configuration file (aka Suite, testng.xml) , it’s purpose, it’s content, it’s location in your project and how to use it for your tests [using Eclipse plugin or Maven]. Let’s begin. What is…
Continue readingTestNG Suites Example
In this post we will learn about TestNG Suite test. A Suite in TestNG is commonly represented by one XML file, usually named as testng.xml. <suite> tag is the first tag in XML file which represents a suite and it may contains one or more <test> tags. Each <test> tag in turn may contain one…
Continue readingTestNG Groups Example
In this post we will learn about how to use TestNG groups testing feature using @BeforeGroups, @AfterGroups and group exclusion. TestNG allows us to group several tests together. You can group certain tests based on what behavior/aspect they are actually testing. You may have a scenario where few tests belong to a certain group(say database)…
Continue readingTestNG Annotations Example
In this post we will learn common TestNG annotations including @Test, @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod, @BeforeClass, @AfterClass, @BeforeGroups, @AfterGroups, @BeforeSuite, @AfterSuite, @BeforeTest & @AfterTest. Further posts next in tutorial explains in detail other popular annotations including @Parameters & @DataProvider annotations. Previous post gave an introduction to TestNG. In this post, we will start using annotations in very…
Continue readingTestNG Hello World Example
In this post we will learn a very basic Hello World example using TestNG. We will learn how to setup environment to use testNG and how to actually write & execute unit tests and verify results. We will be using maven based project. Let’s begin. Following environment being used: TestNG 6.9.4 Maven 3 JDK 1.7…
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