AngularJS Built-in+Custom Filters Dissected

This post describes AngularJS Filters with examples. Both AngularJS Custom and built-in filters are explained in great details with help of live examples. We will learn using common AngularJS built-in filters, using them in view templates as well as in javaScript. We will also learn how to create a custom filter for specific cases. AngularJS…

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AngularJS $http service example-server communication

AngularJS $http service is used for asynchronous server communication. This post explains $http service in great details, specially $q & promise, with a complete CRUD application example, using AngularJS front-end client, communicating asynchronously with Spring REST API based back-end. You can plug-in your own server with this client to play with. It is important to…

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AngularJS Services Dissected

AngularJS services are functions or objects that can hold behavior or state throughout application. They are used to implement shared behavior/reusable logic which can be used by other components in your AngularJS application. AngularJS services are singletons, means each service is instantiated only once, so each part of our application gets access to the same…

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AngularJS Form Validation Example

In this post, we will learn How to use Forms in AngularJS to take user input, validate it, send to server or process it. We will make a complete AngularJS CRUD application. You will get insight into several AngularJS built-in directives used in day-to-day usage. We will start from ground zero and will build upon…

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AngularJS Controllers Explained with Examples

AngularJS Controllers are most useful part of an AngularJS application. These are javascript functions/objects which perform majority of UI related work. They can be considered as the driver for Model and View changes. They are the gateway between the model (the data in our application), and the view (whatever a users sees on his screen…

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AngularJS Modules Explained

AngularJs Modules. A module in AngularJS can be thought of as regular packages in Java. It’s the container for the different parts of an application – controllers, services, filters, directives, etc. AngularJS can group together certain functionalities/Javascript under a single module. A module can define it’s own controllers, services, filter, directives, etc which will be…

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AngularJS Hello World Example

Let’s write the Classic Hello World in AngularJS. In this simple application, user provides input via an input field, and as the user is typing in this input field, the UI gets updated with the latest value from input field. Let’s get going. Save above file as html, and open it. You will see something…

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AngularJS Introduction

Let’s learn AngularJS. This post provides basic Introduction of AngularJS and the motivation to use AngularJS in your projects. What is AngularJS and Why at all? It all started with JavaScript. Javascript is evolved from being just a scripting language used occasionally to perform client side validations to become a full-fledged programming language. With Jquery,…

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