Apache Maven is one of the most popular Software project management and comprehension tool, based on a central piece of information called Project Object Model (POM). Project based on Maven gets it’s compilation, build, reporting and documentation instructions from an xml file named pom.xml
. Each maven project has a standard structure you can find in one of the example post given below.
pom.xml is a standard xml file complying maven schema, contains the dependencies required by your project, plugins your project might need, repository your project can look into to search for the dependencies, parent/child module information in case of multi-module projects, profile to support different builds for different situations/environments and many more features.
Most popular IDE’s (Eclipse, Intellij,..) provides full integration with maven, making maven use in your project a snap.
This Maven Tutorial series is based on Maven 3.1.1
Maven Installation & Configuration
Maven Installation & Setup on Windows and Unix system
Install Maven on Windows and Unix-based System(Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X)
Maven Hands-on Examples
In this tutorial, we will go through the common setup of maven projects and different features maven provides, exploring them with help of fully-working examples.
Create a Maven Web Project with Eclipse
Simple HelloWorld web application project using Maven and Eclipse.
Create a Maven Web Project with CommandLine
Example showing creating a simple HelloWorld web application project from command line and then importing into Eclipse.
Creating Maven multi-module project with Eclipse
Creating a Multi-module project with command line and importing into Eclipse, showing reuse of a module by several projects.