Spring 4 MVC+AngularJS Routing Example using UI-Router

This post shows integrating AngularJS with Spring MVC 4, focusing on routing using ui.router module. We will discuss ui.router based route configuration using states, $stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, accessing route parameters using $stateParams, discuss route configuration details with template, templateUrl, controller & resolve. Let’s get going. In our application, Client side is based on AngularJS ui.router, demonstrating…

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Angularjs Routing Tutorial using ui-router

UI-router is a routing framework for AngularJS. It’s a flexible alternative to ngRoute as it supports Nested & Multiple Named views. Whereas ngRoute functions based on routes URL, ui-router is based on states in application. With ui-router, your user interface can be organized into states which can have all sorts of logic applied on them…

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Spring 4 MVC+AngularJS Routing Example using ngRoute

This post demonstrates integrating AngularJS with Spring MVC 4, focusing on routing using ngRoute module. We will discuss route configuration using $routeProvider, accessing route parameters using $routeParams, discuss route configuration details with template, templateUrl, controller, redirectTo & resolve keys. Let’s get going. In our application, Client side is based on AngularJS, demonstrating route configuration and…

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AngularJS Routing Tutorial using ngRoute

AngularJS Routes enable us to implement multiview SPAs [Single Page Applications]. A multiview application would consist of multiple views [HTML Templates where each template is associated with a specific route] which would be loaded dynamically as a result of user action (clicking a link, typing a specific URL in browser e.g.). Using routing, AngularJS application…

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