Categories: testing

TesNG expectedExceptions example

In this post we will learn how to use TestNG expectedExceptions feature to test the expected exception your code might throw in certain situations. We can annotate a test method with particular exception information using @Test(expectedExceptions = Exception.class) if we know that the method will throw this kind of exception during execution. Let’s get going.

Let’s take a simple Calculator class to demonstrate this feature.

package com.websystique.testng;

public class Calculator {

 public int add(int  a, int b){
  return a+b;
 public int divide(int a, int b){
  return a/b;


We know that divide method will throw an ArithmaticException if second argument is 0.

Let’s write a sample test class to test calculator class.

package com.websystique.testng;

import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class TestNgExpectedExceptionsExample {

 Calculator calculator;

 public void setup() {
  calculator = new Calculator();

 public void tearDown() {
  calculator = null;

 public void testAdd() {
  Assert.assertEquals(calculator.add(3, 4), 7);

 public void testDivide() {
  Assert.assertEquals(calculator.divide(16, 4), 4);
 @Test(expectedExceptions = ArithmeticException.class)
 public void testDivideByZero() {
  Assert.assertEquals(calculator.divide(16, 0), 12345);


testAdd and TestDevide are basic tests. testDevideByZero is special in that it is passing 0 as second argument in calculator.divide() method, which will certainly throw an ArithmeticException. We can specify the particular exception we expect this method to throw using expectedExceptions attribute in @Test annotation like we did @Test(expectedExceptions = ArithmeticException.class).

Run above test class using TestNG Eclipse plugin or maven (mvn clean test). Following is the outcome:

PASSED: testAdd
PASSED: testDivide
PASSED: testDivideByZero

    Default test
    Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

Test testDivideByZero passed successfully despite throwing exception because we informed TestNG that this particular exception is expected behavior.

That’s it.


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